
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠٢٢

5 Secrets To Overcoming Information Overload

love messenger bat bird drawing bats lie To send l Sweatshirt by RMdesign82 love messenger bat bird drawing bats lie To send l Sweatshirt by RMdesign82 love messenger bat bird drawing bats lie To send l Sweatshirt by RMdesign82 Secret #1 – Get Things Out of Your Head The more information we try to cram into our minds, the less our brains are able to accurately process the information, ultimately leading to damaging our your short-term memories. This is because our minds were designed with a limited amount of space and ability to handle information. In fact, over the last ten years, we have created more information than in all of human history before that. The best way to deal with this issue is to completely clear your mind of all the clutter and noise by performing a brain dump. Doing a brain dump means creating an extensive list of everything that you have floating around in your head, whether it's essential or not. Take the time to wr...